
Le jeu. 27 févr. 2020 à 00:23, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com>
a écrit :

> Different tags are used for petroleum wells vs water wells because
> they look totally different and their function for the general map
> user is quite distinct. A water well might just be a covered hole, but
> if it is a bored (drilled) well it will be connected to a manual or
> powered pump.

I respectably disagree Jospeh,

As mentioned, many countries actually drill ground to look for water
hundred meters down.
Water is collected like oil here and the well just look the same as

"The first, 15 years ago, was a mandate to drill and construct 117 water
wells, 36 piezometer wells and 23 exploratory wells in the Tazerbo area in
east-central Libya. Some of the wells had to be drilled to a depth of 1,200
metres, the length of 11 regulation football fields"

I think it's a bad idea to include the substance or purpose in the well
value as same facilities may be built to collect petroleum or water.

> An oil or gas well has a fire-hydrant like structure on top called a
> "Christmas tree" or a pumping rig like a "pump jack" - you will not
> mistake them for a water well.

Christmas trees are intended to regulate the well pressure or manage
filling product injection to raise field pressure.
You'll find them independently on oil or water wells depending on the

The same applies on geothermal wells with substance=steam or
substance=water + utility=heating

However I'm ok to say that a traditional water well (as any surface well)
don't look the same as industrial drilled wells.
So two or more value of man_made may be useful to reflect those difference
but please don't include any substance indication in man_made values.

All the best

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