> It's also possible to have a functioning petroleum well without any
notable surface-level equipment

So in that case, there would be no "pumping rig", right? There would
just be some pipes and valves the the wellhead, aka a "Christmas
tree": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellhead and

Do you know if all "pumping rigs" are similar in appearance to a
pumpjack, or are there others that look quite different?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumpjack - I've seen many of these in
California and Texas.

- Joseph Eisenberg

On 2/26/20, Jmapb via Tagging <tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
> On 2/26/2020 3:54 AM, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
>> There are some users on the wiki who seem to treat these two tags as
>> near-synonyms
>> man_made=petroleum_well
>> man_made=pumping_rig
>> The later was approved, but the first is much more common.
>> The proposal in 2008 for pumping_rig said
>> "A tag for pumping platforms - gas, oil, etc. The rig may be on ground or
>> water"
>> But petroleum_well says just: "An oil well is a boring in the Earth
>> that is designed to bring petroleum oil or gas to the surface."
>> I believe not all petrolum wells have a pumping rig? Can someone
>> confirm that these tags are different?
> Oil wells generally begin with a boring apparatus housed in a vertical
> derrick (drilling tower). Depending on the circumstances, the derrick
> might be dismantled when the well is ready for production.
> Once a well is in production, a pumping rig (which I'd call a pumpjack)
> is installed, to pull the crude up and into a pipeline or storage tank.
> It's possible to have multiple pumpjacks for a single well -- they're
> not synonymous.
> It's also possible to have a functioning petroleum well without any
> notable surface-level equipment, especially a gas well.
> Jason
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