Am Do., 6. Feb. 2020 um 11:01 Uhr schrieb Volker Schmidt <

> Padua, Italy, where I live, has a big university spread all over the
> place. This includes smaller sections being in apartments in buildings that
> are mainly used residentially.

yes, I am also well familiar with universities spread over many different
buildings (or sometimes just a floor of a building although I have not yet
seen an apartment used (for what? Office? lecture room? Probably not as a
lecture hall, would not be suitable)).

Common way to map this (unfortunately) is amenity=university on all parts,

Here's an example of a (not yet complete and in some parts overcomplete)
multipolygon for the Universität Tübingen:
(curiously, there are also node members ;-) ).

> With other words "pieces" of the University come in all sizes and shapes,
> from what would be a typical campus to single apartments, where the
> "location" is the building entrance where the university institution is
> only one of many door bells.
> And I know that this is true of other universities and research
> establishments.
> This situation made me think of (mis-)using the site relation for tagging.

yes, but if we keep the small places like the apartment as nodes, it will
not be possible to see that they are small, because a node can be any kind
of size.

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