On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 10:09 AM Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 9:51 AM Jarek PiĆ³rkowski <ja...@piorkowski.ca>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 30 Jan 2020 at 09:38, Rob Savoye <r...@senecass.com> wrote:
> > > On 1/30/20 2:08 AM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> > > > "County Road 12" is a ref. It is not a name. People often refer to
> roads by
> > > > their ref. That's fine. I will say "I'm taking the A3400 to
> Stratford"
> > >
> > >   I'm wondering if "CR 12" or "County Road 12" (the abbreviation
> > > expanded) was the proper value for a ref. If the abbreviation is fine
> > > for the ref, should it then have a name that is expanded ? The wiki
> > > isn't clear.
> >
> > One solution I've seen advanced is that the ref in that case is just
> > 12. But that rather raises more new questions than it answers, because
> > while no one says "I'm going to take the Highways England A3400" or
> > "the British A3400", people do say "I'm going to take County Road
> > 12"...
> What I do:
> (1) The `name=*` field gets the road's actual name. If the road's only
> name is 'County Route 12' (New York consistently uses 'Route' rather
> than 'Road' for these), to the extent that `addr:street=*` will show
> that for the name, then `name=*` gets that name. (Yes I know that
> there are mappers who would prefer `noname=yes` in that situation, but
> address validation has an easier time with the way I do it.)

Please stop.  This gets very annoying for data consumers (especially your
average joe just using a satnav).  Fix your validation process instead.

> (3) In the US, there are so many coincidences among numbered routes
> that they're hard to work with unless you use `route=road` relations.
> Moreover, there are a number of cases where one jurisdiction's route
> crosses over into another jurisdiction's territory, but the owning
> juristiction still maintains and numbers it. There are New York State
> highways with portions in at least Connecticut, New Jersey and
> Pennsylvania. Only a route relation can identify the state on NY 120A
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/108702747 where it's a New York
> State highway on Connecticut soil.
> (Note that its postal address is also Purchase, New York, and not
> Fairfield, Connecticut, since its mail is delivered from the other
> side of the state line. Confusion abounds.)

Ultimately this is the way forward, worldwide.  ref on ways is a stupid way
to describe routes and ultimately it's beyond time to kill that dinosaur
(not to mention, precludes the way from having it's own ref, which every
state-owned road in Oregon and Pennsylvania at a minimum, does).
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