On Tue, 31 Dec 2019 at 19:16, Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> What do you consider a definition of "duty free" or "duty free shop"
>> that would be useful to a OSM data consumer?
> Which OSM data consumer?
> Just a reminder: I didn't start this, I am merely trying to add a nuance to 
> the data modelling.

I appreciate it, I'm just not sure if this nuance has any significance
to any real-world usage.

I'm very willing to accept I might be wrong, hence my question about
any possible OSM data consumers that might benefit from this
particular distinction of "duty-free for export only, but in practice
you pay the same price anyway" or "duty-free, but only for people
leaving the duty area" or any better way to phrase it. Do you know of
any or can you come up with any hypothetical ones?


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