21 Dec 2019, 01:44 by ba...@ursamundi.org:
> On Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 1:07 AM Mateusz Konieczny <> matkoni...@tutanota.com>
> > wrote:
>> 20 Dec 2019, 01:25 by >> ba...@ursamundi.org>> :
>>> So, for example, in the US, instead of motorway, trunk, primary, secondary,
>>> tertiary, perhaps something more like freeway, expressway,
>>> major/minor_principal (just having this would fix a *lot* of problems with
>>> Texas and Missouri and their extensive secondary systems),
>>> major/minor_collector...the US just has a way more complex view of how
>>> highways work.
>>> Or at least some more serious consideration given to the proposal at >>>
>>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:UltimateRiff/HFCS>>> (but perhaps
>>> with "other principal arterials" as primary and a new "highway=quartinary".
>> Fitting thing like road classification
>> into UK system is irritating at times.
>> But idea of each country with separate tags
>> for roads is simply a bad idea.
> Could you expand on this? Being able to speak each country's highway lingua
> franca would make it a lot easier for OSM to become the Rosetta Stone of maps
> simply from ease of classification.
I am consider it unlikely that it would make
anything easier.
Current solution is not ideal butfollowing each local and incompatible
classification scheme instead seems to not be better.
I am 100% OK with tagging official road
status somehow - US expressway,
US highway route, Polish droga wojewódzka,
Polish droga gminna and so on.
But as a new (maybe already existing)
But do not expect 1:1 mapping to highway tag value.
>> This info is probably worth recording,
>> but legal status should go into a separate tag.
> Legal status of roads in the US isn't quite as clearcut as it is in the UK,
> where the highway=* tag is literally equal to that country's legal
> classification, plus private roads with significant public passage and/or
> reach. Off the top of my head we have 1 country, 2 states, 34 tribes, 77
> counties and 597 towns, plus MacQuarie Group Australia running the turnpikes
> and the Boy Scouts of America, Phillips 66, ConocoPhillips, or some
> combination of the three, and potentially scores more private entities,
> operating extensive networks of publicly accessible roads and highways in
> Oklahoma. And I generally consider myself lucky I have it > this>
> straightforward in the US.
> Texas likely has similar situations but throw in the fact that they have 7
> different state highway systems before you get into at least 3 more
> (regional? state? private? unclear...) competing turnpike networks, sometimes
> running side by side on the same right of way (consider TX 121 with the
> George Bush Turnpike operated by the North Texas Transportation Agency
> running down the median).
> Simply starting with the HFCS and expanding from that (particularly on the
> freeway/expressway distinction, and having more levels between secondary and
> unclassified) would be a fantastic boon to dealing with this mess in a more
> concise fashion as it changes highway=* tagging from almost entirely
> subjective to subjective but within a limited range. Establish wiki pages
> describing how each region works and let the consumers sort it out from there.
> At an absolute minimum, we really need to establish values lower than
> tertiary yet above unclassified, and we definitely do need to make the
> freeway/expressway distinction.
I consider any plan that would add new
highway values to be unlikely to succeed.
Consider introducing new tags instead.
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