On Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 7:47 PM Jarek Piórkowski <ja...@piorkowski.ca>

> On Fri, 20 Dec 2019 at 20:26, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:
> >> > I'm not arguing in favor of a change in language for key name.  But
> the local broadly accepted classification terminology (preferably in
> English for consistency sake) for the value.
> >>
> >> Why in English? Bundesstraße is a broadly accepted classification
> >> terminology, so is autostrada. If you want to do things for
> >> consistency sake, there are the accepted OSM-British-English names.
> >
> >
> > What I'm saying is highway=bundesstraße could be acceptable, but
> straße=bundestraße wouldn't be.  Mostly so way type objects with highway=*
> are still potentially routable.
> How do you propose these "potential routable" fallback routers to
> handle highway=Bürgersteig (a sidewalk) vs highway=Fahrradstraße (a
> local street where bicycles have priority)?

Same way I already consider highway=motorway:  Tag for access.  Assumptions
are OKish, but at least in north america, motorway and trunk (aka freeways
and expressways) are ambiguous for non-motorized modes.  Most states allow
nonmotorized modes on motorways, but 15 don't, and about 30 allow it when
not otherwise posted, so foot=no, bicycle=no is *NOT* a safe assumption for
freeways.  Especailly the farther west you go; for example, in British
Columbia, Washington and Oregon (where I grew up), a motorway is probably
safer for cyclists than your average city street with bicycle lanes (no
oncoming traffic, parking on the pavement is not permitted at all, roughly
4.5m wide hard shoulders, 80-110km/h speed limits but that's 3m from
anybody walking or cycling, versus no sidewalks, 1.5-2m wide bicycle lanes
and 60-90 km/h surface street speed limits, with both the speed limits and
bicycle lanes being next to never respected in the northwest).

> How will a router know
> which highways can be used by trucks, buses, pedestrians, other than
> with a giant lookup table?

highway=* is a good start, which is why I'm in favor of "lower is better"
with the exiting system.

> And if you do have a giant lookup table,
> wouldn't be easier to have it in editors rather than in every single
> data consumer?

Not really.  UK concepts are entirely foreign to all but roadgeeks in North
America, and, judging by AARoads and NE2's history, not even then.
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