Can't disagree with the idea behind it, Paul.

As we've mentioned any number of times, there are areas here in Australia
(as there would be in the US, Canada & any number of other places), that
[/the/] (one & only) road servicing an area is dirt, if you're lucky, 2
lanes wide, but is used constantly by heavy traffic (semi-trailers with 3
o4 4 trailers on the back).

How do we tie that into the nice neat Motorway > Primary > Secondary etc



On Fri, 20 Dec 2019 at 10:27, Paul Johnson <> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 1:19 PM Martijn van Exel <> wrote:
>> I actually like your suggestion that highway=trunk does not add much
>> value to the U.S. map, Eric.
>> We love to add detail / granularity to OSM so much, it can become hard to
>> envisage taking some away.
>> Not saying we should abolish trunk right here and now, but something I'd
>> consider as one outcome.
> I'd like to see a lot more left up to the data consumer and more regional
> values to be widely acceptable.  For example, instead of trying to smash
> the entire planet into the UK's prescribed values and trying to come up
> with equivalences, use the terminology each country uses.
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