On Sun, 15 Dec 2019 at 19:22, Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is, at least in some cases, more complicated.
> Take a road that has a parallel segregated foot-cycle path and the crossing 
> itself is a segregated foot-cycle path, as in these two examples:
> https://www.mapillary.com/map/im/S6U2AoBM5Q3jI3b-hKP5_A
> https://www.mapillary.com/map/im/x-7IO3FbbtFLB0NKpCZSUQ
> As shown in the two images they come also in two variants (same street!) 
> which illustrate the point I want to make: the pedestrian crossing crosses 
> also the bicycle part of the foot-cycle sidepath, i.e. crossing pedestrians 
> have priority also over the cyclists.
> I would say the the crossing should be mapped to the joining point of the 
> ways.

There are actually two crossings: one from kerb to kerb (street
crossing) and one from kerb to the right lateral end of the red
cycleway. The way from the right lateral end of the cycleway to the
centre of the sidewalk could be mapped as footway=link or, for
simplicity, you could extend the footway=crossing to that point.

(Tell me if this was unclear and you need a diagram.)



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