On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 5:25 PM Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There are checkpoints that are used for safety. These are checked by search 
> and rescue services when people are overdue, or tracks get closed by fires or 
> very bad weather. They are not tourist 'look at me, this what I have done' 
> type things... but thing to prevent death.

On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 8:17 PM Tod Fitch <t...@fitchfamily.org> wrote:
> With respect to nodes on hiking routes, many (most? all?) the trailheads for 
> trails heading into officially designated wilderness areas near me have a 
> sign-in station. Usually a sign and a weather resistant box with a notebook 
> or clipboard in it where you are required to sign in with your party’s size, 
> intended route, etc. That serves two purposes: 1) It helps track the use of 
> the area for official reports, funding, etc. And 2) it is checked when people 
> are reported missing or overdue to aid in the search effort. I am not sure if 
> this counts as a “check point” as being discussed, but it is a useful thing 
> to map.

I'm pretty sure that's what Warin was talking about. I know it's what
I meant by the 'mandatory' checkpoints that I mentioned in my part of
the world. I didn't mean 'mandatory to get credit for having completed
the route;' I meant 'mandatory in that you can be cited for an
administrative violation if you fail to sign in. It could even
escalate to a criminal offense if you endanger S&R by your failure to
sign in." Some in places where I hike have two-part 'trip tickets'
that you fill out; you bring one with you to prove you registered, and
leave the other part in a letterbox at the trailhead. I'd especially
like to see these mapped; I've had to delay trip starts while I've
driven to a ranger station to register, after finding that the road
crossing I intended to use as a start point didn't have the necessary
paperwork available.

In some of the larger wilderness areas, these registers appear not
only at trailheads, but at some intermediate interior points.
Typically they will be at most a day's journey apart for a hiker of
average ability. (Some of the trails in the Adirondacks have roadless
sections of 60+ km with no shorter way out than the trail.)

https://flickr.com/photos/cathdrwg/8254183730/ is a pretty typical
"middle of nowhere" register box.
https://flickr.com/photos/ke9tv/14061219093 shows one that's located
inside a lean-to (a sleeping shelter on the trail).
https://flickr.com/photos/ke9tv/14041151285/ is typical of the log
book you'll find inside. Don't be confused by the 'please' on the
'please register' sign. In the US, it's common for The Authorities to
phrase orders as polite requests,

73 de ke9tv/2, Kevin

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