I would add that in the case of a "prosciuttificio" (small factory that
produces raw cured ham) in many cases these processing plants buy the meat
and run only the curing process, which takes more than a year. They may
also have a shop or only resell.
So we are talking about a small very specialised meat-processing facility.
The official EU translation site https://iate.europa.eu/ translates
"prosciuttificio" (and "salumificio", which produces salami) with "ham
If the EU gives that as official translation, then this should be good
enough for OSM.

I would certainly not use "man_made", but "craft", a least for the smaller
ones. Hence I would suggest to start tagging them as "craft=ham_factory"
even though this is a new tag.

... and you should be grateful that the language of the OSM DB is not
French, because in that case it would be "craft=

Maybe a more generic approach could be


On Mon, 2 Dec 2019 at 09:44, Cascafico Giovanni <cascaf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello ML!
> in Italy there are several small processing companies catalogued as
> artisans, mostly in categories like food processing (meat, biscuits,
> milk, etc), which don't run a shop (or shop is a minor business).
> Reading the wikis, I understand that, depending on business volumes, I
> should go for craft.
> For instance, I have a dataset with several companies processing of
> pork meat, which final product is "prosciutto crudo" ("raw" maturated
> ham) and/or salami.
> AFAIK in case of an industrial scale business tagging could be
>    man_made=works
>    product=meat
> but if craft should be considered, can be
>    craft=meat
>    an accepted kv combination?
> Is craft just whoever runs the business or the final processed product? Or
> both?
> Other tagging alternatives?
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