DaveF, reloading the database could be done more often, but it does
take time and server resources, and everyone is a volunteer. People
can help by donating money to the OSMF to help run the servers, or
donating time to help improve the openstreetmap.org website

At Openstreetmap-carto there are over 400 open issues
(https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues), and a
particular request is more likely to happen if a contributor
volunteers to do the work. In this case the first step would be to
decide which tags under `emergency=` should be treated as polygons
when mapped as closed ways, and then submitting a PR (pull request) to
add these for the next database reload, which might happen soon, if
enough people are interested in making it happen.

- Joseph Eisenberg

On 11/11/19, Dave F via Tagging <tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
> On 11/11/2019 02:20, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
>> If this is about Openstreetmap-carto, there is now an open issue:
>> https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/3968 - note
>> that rendering area features in the "emergency=" key, like this, would
>> require reloading the database on the openstreetmap.org servers.
> it wasn't about rendering really, it was just the illogical use of keys
> making it more awkward for all database users.
> I gave up on referring to anything relating to OSM-carto issues for
> precisely the reason you highlight - to render
> emergency=ambulance_station It requires a database reload which is only
> performed "*every few years*". #Ridiculous
> DaveF
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