Given the comments, wouldn't it make sense to reopen at the opposite, i.e 
legitimating contact:phone over phone?

The idea of having only one instead of two tags was apparently quite approved 
in itself.
De : Martin Koppenhoefer <>
Envoyé : mardi 5 novembre 2019 22:29
À : Tag discussion, strategy and related tools <>
Objet : Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (phone)

sent from a phone

On 5. Nov 2019, at 14:05, Valor Naram <> wrote:


it's over. I closed the vote with 61 votes against and 46 votes for my 
proposal. My proposal has been rejected by community members:<>e

that’s a notable participation, compared to average tag votings in the 
OpenStreetMap wiki, interestingly, as an approval would probably have had the 
same effect than the rejection ;-)

Cheers Martin

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