12 Oct 2019, 04:27 by tagging@openstreetmap.org:
>> On Oct 12, 2019, at 1:28 AM, Phyks <>> ph...@phyks.me
>> <mailto:ph...@phyks.me>>> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've found similar issues in France recently. Cycling routes is too
>> broad and diverse and covers various realities. From a rendering
>> perspective (disclaimer: I'm one of the maintainer of the new CyclOSM
>> rendering style,>> >> https://cyclosm.org <https://cyclosm.org/>>> ), it is
>> very often a nightmare to
>> try to figure out which one are worth rendering and which ones are just
>> "tag to render".
> Similar to how bus routes are laid over existing road infrastructure, I think
> there should be a big distinction between the paths/crossings/roads that are
> assembled to make a cycling “road", and some route that people have come up
> with just for exercising that is just some generic road in rural area people
> go touring on.
> - Cycling roads/routes for travel/transportation with some kind of documented
> status with the government.
> - MTB routes, usually using off-road ways & infrastructure - documented by
> the maintainer of the route, whoever that is.
> - roads used by cyclists for exercise/racing, with no documentation or
> signage - usually shared via online route-sharing sites.
> if you are making a map of the cycling routes available, I would assume the
> first category is the most important, and possibly the only one that should
> be prominently rendered.
> similar to how we render roads, the prominence of motorways pales to the
> prominence of lesser roads. Please include them, but we would need tagging
> to show the purpose of the route, beyond “network” or what super-relation
> they belong to.
> This might be difficult, as the usage probably vary from region to region:
> MTB routes in Japan are negligible, and dedicated cycling roads abound.
> Whereas in San Deigo, there are zero “cycling roads” that are maintained by
> the government, and probably a lot of documented MTB routes in the wilderness
> parks.
> but documenting & rendering any route that a cycle club enjoys cycling on the
> weekend? unneeded. a motorcycle club’s favorite route in the mountains is
> unworthy of a route relation as well.
> OSM is not an online route-sharing site.
> here is a “Nikko Loop” route made by some cyclist who enjoys cycling.
> https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31059198
> <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31059198>
> This is the job of this other private website (> ridewithgps.com
> <http://ridewithgps.com>> ) - document and share routes for cyclist users.
> But Nikko City has no documentation for such a route, and shouldn’t be
> included in OSM.
In case of nagging such distinction it
would be good to make clear that
unsigned routes must not be mapped and should be deleted.
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