Have you discussed this with the individual mappers via changeset messages
or on a Japanese forum/mailing list?


On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 4:12 PM John Willis via Tagging <
tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:

> Questions about using cycle relations properly:
> I am mapping and repairing cycle roads in the Kanto/Tokyo area. There are
> a lot of designated cycling roads that follow a long rivers and other water
> features out into the countryside, making up a regional system, and a lot
> of smaller local cycling roads (also along small rivers) that connect
> neighborhoods and towns together.
> example: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3218181
> I’m working to get all the individual ways of the cycle roads into
> relations and to properly classify these (local/regional, etc).
> But on the cycling layer of OSM, I find regular roads labeled as cycle
> routes: mountain roads where professional cyclists like to exercise labeled
> as a “cycling route”, which seems like “mapping for the renderer”.
> example: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/8066243
> - They don’t seem to be cycling roads - all the relation members are trunk
> roads or similar - no cycleways whatsoever.
> -they are dangerous routes with no side-paths, sidewalks, or dedicated
> cycle lanes - just regular roads.
> - they are exercise loops or hill climbs for pro cyclistsand serve no
> purpose for travelers or commuters.
> - they are not, AFAIK, part of an official “cycling network”. The
> Super-relation someone has added all cycle routes to ( 関東地方サイクリングロード・ネットワーク
> ). https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/8051094  also seems to be
> made-up and not official either - the name only returns one result (the OSM
> data page) when searched.
> To me, these non-cycle routes are just garbage relations meant to have the
> route show up on the cycling view of OSM for people doing workouts.
> I want to delete these fake “mountain workout” relations that should be
> mapped in strava or a similar workout app.
> Javbw
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