What I am searching for is a wiki page that tells me which roads do have
default values and what are these default values in which countries.
Without doubt most "highway=x" have no "surface=y" in OSM because the
mappers assume that certain road categories do have certain default surface

In Italy most roads and cycleways have no "surface" tags. If an
"unclassified" road is not paved, it often has a "surface" tag.
If I take the USA, "residential" roads normally have no "surface" tags, but
in some areas of the USA, most "residential" roads are unpaved, in other
areas practically all "residential" roads are paved. In Burkina Faso also
major roads are not paved, but they also do not have a "surface" tag.

@ Richard,
you are describing what I thought was defined as a standard approach
somewhere, but I haven't found anything.
If there isn't an agreed set of defaults, then every mapper can set his
own, as you doe and I do, but this means that a router has to second guess
what people think is standard use in different countries. That's not
terribly satisfactory.

Thinking about this, what would make sense in terms of how the wiki works,
i.e. reflecting the actual use in the community, is to consult the router
developers what they assume the users do. BUT I don't know if we get any


On Sun, 22 Sep 2019 at 01:03, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net>

> Tom Pfeifer wrote:
> > In the outskirts of Berlin, I have unpaved highway=residential in good
> > neighbourhoods, that are muddy when wet and dusty when dry. Thus Germany
> > qualifies as developing country?
> No, it qualifies as somewhere you should tag unpaved roads with a surface=
> tag. Hence the phrase "assumed paved" - if the assumption's wrong, then tag
> the surface accordingly. Volker was asking about defaults, not a single
> unalterable surface for each highway type!
> Richard
> --
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