Dear Immaculata,
if you want to describe "things" that are prone to floods, it seems to
me that the tag /flood_prone=yes/ can be the right one.
I have a few doubts on how this information has been collected: are
there official maps with areas prone to flood and you have selected
assets in that area or you interviewed people who told you that some
specific assets were impacted by floods in the past?
If the second is true, verifiability and return times are important
issues that have to be tackled and somehow mapped.
On 31/08/19 05:21, Immaculate Mwanja wrote:
Hi there!
In the summer of 2018, we conducted a project called Assets and
Threats mapping
the Ramani Huria project in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania that aims to make
Dar es Salaam a more flood-resilient city. In this project, we focused
on the assets/amenities in the city that are important to the
community and are at risk of flooding or not.
After collecting all the information, we decided we should upload them
in OSM to be shared with the world since it was a successful project
to some extent. The challenge came when we could not upload these data
since there is no specific tag to use for amenities or AoIs affected
by floods, the only tag that we could find is flood_prone=yes
<>but this is
mostly applicable to “roads/ways" that go underwater after heavy rains.
1. Is there any other tag that can be used for points under flooding
threat or can we use another tag?
2. Our initial thought was to create a new tag i.e. asset:risk=yes
and asset:risk=noor we could overcome this challenge by having one
tag that is used by the entire OSM community to identify ways,
areas, or pointsthat are prone to floods
Kind regards,
*Immaculata Mwanja*
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