Your model (using only phone=*) only allows an object to have a single
phone number. How do you propose modelling multiple phone numbers on a
single object? For example, one for general enquiries, one for
emergencies, one for staff,... 

Note I am not talking about tagging here, but trying to discuss the
underlying data model.

On 2019-08-25 17:11, Valor Naram wrote:

>> What about deprecating the contact: prefix, at least for phone? It doesn't 
>> seem it will ever make it and is basically a deliberate tag fragmentation.
> Yes, I recommend deprecating `contact:phone`
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Tagging] phone vs contact:phone WAS Re: Multiple tags for one 
> purpose
> From: Martin Koppenhoefer 
> To: "Tag discussion, strategy and related tools" 
> CC: 
>> sent from a phone
>>> On 25. Aug 2019, at 07:20, Warin wrote:
>>> Type 'phone' into the OSMwiki search box and you get redirected to the key 
>>> 'phone=*'.
>>> This gets preferential treatment to the key 'contact:phone=*'.
>> seems fair that "key:phone" shows up first for a search for "phone", it's 
>> straightforward, and it's also the most used tag for phone (numbers).
>> The contact prefix is pointless, why would we make everybody who doesn't use 
>> presets type longer key names when there are no alternatives which would 
>> require to distinguish the tag from? People who do use presets don't have to 
>> care for tag names anyway.
>> If you search for "contact phone" the first hit is key:contact, one could 
>> argue a better result would be showing key:phone first for this search term 
>> as well, as it is the mostly used tag for a generic phone number.
>> What about deprecating the contact: prefix, at least for phone? It doesn't 
>> seem it will ever make it and is basically a deliberate tag fragmentation.
>> Cheers Martin 
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