Normally it would be "ref:usfs" rather than "usfs:ref".

I frequently use tags like "ref:FR:STIF" where STIF is an agreed tag within
FR (France).

And yes, the main ref for the cited road would be "ref=CR 2". Included
spaces in a ref tag vary by local consensus. Some places might use
"ref=CR2". If there are signs and they are consistent I'd use that.

On Sun, Aug 18, 2019, 18:53 Rob Savoye <> wrote:

> On 8/18/19 10:27 AM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> > name=Corkscrew Gulch Road
> > ref=CR 2
> > usfs:ref=FS 729.2B
>   Interesting, I didn't realize "usfs:ref" is a tag. I have used ref for
> camp site numbers, didn't know it supported alphanumerics. I dug around,
> and don't see usfs:ref being used, at least not anywhere in Colorado.
>   I was wondering if using "alt_name" with ';' was a good idea. I guess
> the issue for me is how it appears when searching in OsmAnd, which has
> been the major gripe. I guess I can change a few obscure roads, and just
> see how OsmAnd handles it.
>   Where it gets interesting is for an incident on Corkscrew Gulch Road,
> Dispatch often uses the USFS designation, cause the call may come from
> the forest service. What name gets used depends on who you work for...
> Not your problem, many thanks for the input.
> > I think this holds even if the "county-designated name" is CR 2. The
> "name
> > everyone uses" tallies with OSM standard practice; the official
> reference is
> > what we have the ref tag for.
>   Plus 'name' is usually what any mapping app will put on the display.
> OSM has most all these roads already, they just have no tags beyond
> "highway=track".
>    Minor note to other mappers, we're big into 'smoothness', 'surface',
> 'tracktype', as we use those to help determine what type of apparatus to
> respond in. I usually have to validate that by driving the road,
> although the difference between 'bad' and 'very_bad' is very open to a
> difference of opinion... (high clearance only is what I use for
> very_bad) But anyway, thank you all for good metadata!
>         - rob -
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