It looks like "CR 2" is a "ref" rather than a name, and so is FS 729.2B. A ref=, short for "reference number" (or more properly "reference alphanumeric string") is a set of letters and numbers that identifies a feature.
While it's best to have the common name in the tag name=, like name=Corkscrew Gulch Road, it's okay to have more than one ref in the tag ref, separated by semicolons. Many database users can handle this. Eg: name=Corkscrew Gulch Road ref=CR 2;FS 729.2B If there are other, less common actual names, consider using alt_name=* or loc_name=* (local, informal names), but in this case it looks like there is just one name, but multiple reference numbers. Joseph On 8/19/19, Rob Savoye <> wrote: > On 8/18/19 9:41 AM, Paul Allen wrote: > >> Assuming that "CR 2" is a name and not a ref, one possibility that >> springs to mind, and which will no doubt be highly controversial is > > Yes, it's county designated name. It's gets messier than that, as > sometimes "CR 2" might include multiple other road segments, all with > different names common and USFS names. We prefer the common name or the > USFS name, but I have no control over what Dispatch gives us. > >> name=CR 2 / Corkscrew Gulch Road / FS 729.2B alt_name=CR 2; Corkscrew >> Gulch Road; FS 729.2B > >> If you have several name or several ref, you can use the “;” >> separator > Ah, I've used that elsewhere, didn't think about it for road names. > The problem though is since the name gets displayed, too many long road > names obscures the map. I've had similar problems with house addresses > in the more densely populated areas. When I produce a KML file from OSM > data, I put all the names in the description popup. That works in GPS > map apps, but not in OsmAnd. Plus I wonder if that would break routing... > > - rob - > > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ Tagging mailing list