On 2019-08-04 11:57, Florian Lohoff wrote:
> This is why i get to the point "is it a public road" and "a public
> road cant be service". If we agree on this you can as some zoom scale
> drop service and track.
What definition of "public" and "private" are you using here? This is
another can of worms.
No two maps are the same. At the end of the day, a cartographer will
want control over their definition of "relative importance", based on
objective things like official classification, width, lanes, ownership,
access, traffic density, usage class (residential access etc)..... If we
wilfully manipulate the tagging to facilitate a particular definition of
"relative importance" we are breaking one of our own golden rules of
course. So let's stick to objective quantities if at all possible. Then
the "hierarchy" discussion is deferred to the cartographer in the
consumption phase, instead of the contributor in the data collection
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