On 02/08/19 16:18, Rory McCann wrote:
On 02/08/2019 02:02, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
My main concern is that it is not clear how the value should be used.
The suggested examples are =private, =public, or =no - only the last
is usually useful. It would be better to suggest that each country or
region create values that match the most common and important
insurance options.
One could take inspiration from the road classification system and use
country code prefixes for the value? `insurance:health=<country
code>:<value>`. Private health insurance in Ireland is different from US
private health insurance, so `insurance:health=IE:private` vs
You can read it as “The health insurance here has the value of
“private” _as the term is understood in the USA_”. It could be extend
to state level (`US:CA:whatever`).
It is possibly that some will only accept certain insurance firms and
reject others. I am thinking of insurance firms that run some medical
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