I'm afraid I can't vote to approve the current draft of this proposal.
I haven't investigated the name of the key (insurance:health) too
much, but it would be good to use a key that does not have any risk of
My main concern is that it is not clear how the value should be used.
The suggested examples are =private, =public, or =no - only the last
is usually useful. It would be better to suggest that each country or
region create values that match the most common and important
insurance options.

For example, here in Papua Indonesia there are 2 public insurance
systems, Papua Sehat from the province, and the new national BPJS
Kesehatan which is a private-public corporation. It would be much more
helpful to tag these two values rather than "public", especially since
BPJS-Kesehatan is only quasi-public.

In the USA, "Medicare" and "Medicaid" would be somewhat helpful (much
more than just "public"), but you would really want State-specific
values like Medi-Cal (California) and Oregon Health Plan (Oregon). I'm
not sure about the insurance market in Africa, which is the main focus
of this whole proposal, but I suspect similar things will develop over


On 8/2/19, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> & as I mentioned some time ago, the example you have used on the proposal
> page:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2060334624#map=19/51.33315/6.56633
> appears to be the Customer Service office of a Health Insurance company:
> https://www.meine-krankenkasse.de/ ?
> In other words, nothing at all to do with hospital, treatment or what
> patients are accepted where.
> That's a bit like listing the head office of a motor insurance firm as a
> car repair centre!
> Thanks
> Graeme

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