On 31/07/19 01:39, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
The tag socket:<type>:output has been used 5000 times, so I think it's
best to describe existing usage on the wiki. The current usage is to
tag the units, which are almost always kW:

socket:type2:output has been used 3663 times, and the majority (>70%)
are tagged with 22kW, 22 kW, 43kW and 11 kW - they all have kW after
the number, but the presence of a space is variable.

socket:chademo:output has been used 1 275 times, and 91% are tagged
50kW or 50 kW - there are 12 with 50000 and 11 with 50 and no units
(0.1% each).

socket:schuko:output has been used 1 306 times and 80% are tagged
3.6kW, with another 11% tagged 3.7␣kW - all but one common value
included kW as a unit (3700 is used 11 times; 0.1%).

socket:typee:output has been used 128 times, and 84% area tagged "3
kW", none have no units.

socket:type1:output is used 83 times, all values end with "kW"

socket:tesla_supercharger:output is used 72 times, all values end with
"kW" except 2 (one is 120000, the other 120).

So 99% have the format "<number>kW" or "<number> kW" with a space.

I think the wiki should state that the output is specified in kW and
the unit is specified, to match current usage.

Err the wiki could state the default is kW.
There is no present default unit for power - see 
Adding a default would be good, and kW is probably the most universal in this 
case, but for power generation MW is more universal.

And the wiki could also state that a space is required between the numeric 
values and the units, if any.
This is the case for all other units so the convention should be held.


On 7/30/19, dktue <em...@daniel-korn.de> wrote:
OSM typically places unit after the value.
For examples see
In Some cases the unit is omitted and a default is assumed. Would this
default be "kW" in this case?

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