The tag socket:<type>:output has been used 5000 times, so I think it's
best to describe existing usage on the wiki. The current usage is to
tag the units, which are almost always kW:

socket:type2:output has been used 3663 times, and the majority (>70%)
are tagged with 22kW, 22 kW, 43kW and 11 kW - they all have kW after
the number, but the presence of a space is variable.

socket:chademo:output has been used 1 275 times, and 91% are tagged
50kW or 50 kW - there are 12 with 50000 and 11 with 50 and no units
(0.1% each).

socket:schuko:output has been used 1 306 times and 80% are tagged
3.6kW, with another 11% tagged 3.7␣kW - all but one common value
included kW as a unit (3700 is used 11 times; 0.1%).

socket:typee:output has been used 128 times, and 84% area tagged "3
kW", none have no units.

socket:type1:output is used 83 times, all values end with "kW"

socket:tesla_supercharger:output is used 72 times, all values end with
"kW" except 2 (one is 120000, the other 120).

So 99% have the format "<number>kW" or "<number> kW" with a space.

I think the wiki should state that the output is specified in kW and
the unit is specified, to match current usage.


On 7/30/19, dktue <> wrote:
>> OSM typically places unit after the value.
>> For examples see
> In Some cases the unit is omitted and a default is assumed. Would this
> default be "kW" in this case?
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