
This is not a criticism of Joseph.

This post confirms what I've been saying for the past year - PT tags add nothing but confusion to OSM, which directly leads to errors.

highway=bus_stop is a completely separate tag to any in the PT schema. It was created long before the invention of the PT schema and is the original & the most popular, accurate way to map a bus stop.

The PT schema purely duplicates existing, well used, clearly defined tags. It adds no extra detail or information.

A platform is a raised physical object compared to the surrounding area to aid vehicle boarding. Popular tags such as railway=platform, tram=platform are used for such entities. Public_transport=platform has been hijacked by PT to falsely represent a bus stop as an imaginary area on a pavement. As defined in OSM's welcome page: "OpenStreetMap is a place for mapping things that are both /real and current/ ".

It's hard to ascertain precisely why PT was originally created but it appears to be that the existing tags weren't complete. However instead of adding that missing data, somebody though it would be a great idea to start from the very beginning with a completely new set of tags & try to paper over the gaps. The irony is that, after a lot of discussion over tag names & locations & quickly waning enthusiasm for adding them to the database,  PT is *less* complete than the original data. What a waste of time. It's a mess.

Over on the transit forum the PT schema has become so convoluted even those who helped create it are baffled. At least one is advocating its removal.

It's time for the PT schema to be redacted.


On 29/07/2019 15:29, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
I read up on the rather exhausting history of public transport tagging.

The strange thing is that the approved proposal which introduced
public_transport=* and the current public_transport pages suggest
using bus=yes only for public_transport=stop_position. In contrast,
public_transport=platform doesn't have bus=yes added.

Does this mean that tagging highway=bus_stop on the same node as
public_transport=platform is the approved way to specify that a
certain "platform" is a bus stop?

It certainly looks that way. Does this mean that tagging
public_transport=platform + highway=bus_stop was the tagging that was
intended by the proposal to specify bus stops, and
public_transport=platform + railway=platform for train platforms, etc?

It appears that the proposal specifically said that the existing tags
like highway=bus_stop were not deprecated. Current usage confirms
this: in the past year just as many (or perhaps slightly more?)
highway=bus_stop have been added as a public_transport=platform -
about 350,000 each - though the latter tag also can be used for
railways, trams, etc.


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