> How are handled the concepts of intermittence and direction of the flow in
> the tagging?
> Should we use intermittent=yes and direction=both, or are they implied by
> waterway=tidal_channel?
> ...only recommend the use of intermittent=yes on
> channels which are fully empty at low tide time.

Thank you for bringing this up

I agree that most tidal channels are not intermittent, because they
tend to have a small amount of water flowing towards the sea at low
tide. It could be reasonable to use intermittent=yes on small tidal
channels that are completely dry at low tide.

Bidirectional water flow (that is, the direction of water flow
reverses at different times in the tidal cycle) should be implied by
the tag waterway=tidal_channel, though there may be rare exceptions.

I don't know if the tag "direction=both" is used commonly with
waterways. There's no wiki page to describe this tag, and the page
Key:direction doesn't mention direction=both, though it's used 20,000
times. More common is to add the tag "tidal=yes" to river estuaries
which are clearly affected by the tides, though this does not
necessary require reversal of water flow direction.

The wiki page for waterway=tidal_channel should mention that
"tidal=yes" is implied.


> Other channels will have a lower level but won't be empty.
> Let me know how do you feel about this
> All the best
> François
> Le sam. 6 juil. 2019 à 14:43, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com>
> a écrit :
>> I'd like to vote on the proposal for waterway=tidal_channel soon
>> If you haven't read the page yet, please check and add any  comments
>> or bring up any problems that might have been missed.
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Tag:waterway%3Dtidal_channel
>> "Definition:    A natural intertidal waterway in mangroves, salt marshes
>> and tidal flats with water flow in the direction of the tide"
>> -Joseph
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