Unsure if these validation warnings on uploading a changeset in JOSM are
new or I've never noticed them before:
>"Suspicious tag combination highway=cycleway together with
foot=designated, use highway=path"
This is incorrect. A cycleway tag can be used on a shared path, one
which can have a designation for other
transport modes, such as a Public Right of Way for walkers.
Some erroneously believe footway,cycleway or bridleway signifies
some kind of priority or authority which
automatically excludes other transport modes. It doesn't.
It's an indication of the number of different modes allowed to use
them. Of course there are variations on this,
which can be clarified with relevant 'access' & 'designation' tags.
Many are rescinding the use of 'path' as, well, it's just a
confusing, duplicating late comer
Note the major renders make no distinction between 'path' & 'footway'
>"unnecessary tag - foot=yes/designated is unnecessary for highway=footway"
This is also incorrect. As an example It's used to distinguish
between constructed footways through housing
estates or those signed with 'footpath' from, say, worn grass
around the perimeter of a farmers field where they
allows dog walkers to exercise.
Anybody know when & why these were introduced?
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