Thank you for the information about Japan.

How are the small drainage/irrigation channels tagged currently in Japan?

Are most tagged as waterway=drain, waterway=canal or waterway=ditch?

We have lots of these in Indonesia, in the rice-growing areas with
irrigated fields, but most are more like deep ditches, dug directly
into the ground and unlined. Only the larger ones have been lined with
stone or concrete.

> the California aquaduct is huge and manages the supply for California

It's tagged as a waterway=canal over most of it's stretch, and I
believe this is correct:

There are a couple short sections of pipeline where the water is
pumped uphill as well.

> Adding purpose via an additional tag is the only way to make sense of it.
> (and "both waste and irrigation" must be an option).

We could consider a tag like "usage=drainage", in addition to "usage=irrigation"
This could be combined as "usage=irrigation;drainage"?


On 5/30/19, John Willis via Tagging <> wrote:
> Javbw
>> On May 29, 2019, at 10:37 AM, Joseph Eisenberg
>> <> wrote:
>> What, then, should be the distinguishing characteristic between
>> waterway=canal and waterway=ditch or =drain? Width or importance or
>> navigability, or should we still mention the usage as the main
>> difference?
> The biggest issue - by far - is conflating construction with purpose. This
> makes the tags ambiguous. We can invent a definition, but the ambiguity will
> remain because of our tag value choices, as we have to be careful to manage
> "purpose".
> Canal implies construction and purposes. (Many varying purposes).
> Drain implies a purpose
> Ditch implies construction.
> Canals move things from place to place. aquaducts usually exist to move
> water from one large water body (a lake or river) to another (a holding lake
> or another river). They are very large (no less than 1 meter, perhaps,
> usually more)
> Drains take away waste. We have added "construction" to the definition:
> "they are lined - concrete or steel or whatever"
> Ditches are dug into existing ground.
> In some places, irrigation is separate from storm water management. A storm
> drain takes wastewater to a river. An irrigation ditch moves water from a
> supply to a field for orange trees to soak it up. These simple definions
> work well enough for Southern Califorina.
> But the Purpose becomes muddied in some places when they are linked
> together. Here in Japan, we probably have 4x the length of drains than
> roads. It is immense. They are in every street and and every rural area.
> They channel rainwater across the land for farming. The "storm drain" system
> is the irrigation system. One Field's runnoff is the next Field's supply.
> Drains run from small weirs in streams and canals. These cast concrete
> drains surround each group of fields. The drains feed ditches which flood
> the fields and *go back* into the same  drains which *feed* the next set of
> ditches. They are cross connected everywhere, like a spiderweb. Farmers turn
> them off with large sluices, little sliding gates, and dirt mounds to
> control how and when fields flood. They have thousands of tiny resivoirs the
> size of a backyard pool scattered everywhere. The help collect rain and
> balance distribution load for irrigation.
> Irrigation canals - aquaducts - are quite rare. Every town has one or two.
> They move water from one water body to the next, balancing the supply in an
> area (the California aquaduct is huge and manages the supply for
> California), but only one aquaduct I Know of is larger than 1 meter).
> Drains collect and/or distribute water in man-made structures to/from larger
> ones (rivers, streams, lakes etc)
> Ditches collect and/or distribute water in ditches carved into the ground,
> with little to no improvement.
> Adding purpose via an additional tag (like canal does) is the only way to
> make sense of it. (and "both waste and irrigation" must be an option).
> Javbw
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