On 5/2/19, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 3 May 2019 at 06:44, Nita Rae Sanders <cosmic...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am envisioning something where all ED's will be designated as such,
>> even
>> those embedded within the hospital.
>> It is an attempt to provide a common tagging system, exactly for the
>> purpose you point out … saving lives.
> I totally agree with you that the entrance to the ED should be
> distinguished from the "normal" hospital.
> A couple of them in our area have been tagged like this:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/5045644127#map=17/-28.07073/153.37681
> by re-using the =hospital tag & naming it "Emergency" which does work, but
> isn't ideal.
> I am open to other schemes to distinguish between free_standing and
>> embedded, something which allows
>> for an ED to be tagged as an ED.
> I must admit I still like the idea of putting the ED under the emergency=
> key, rather than healthcare=, - healthcare suggests normal day-to-day,
> going to the doctor, but emergency is, well, for emergencies! :-)

Please read the Wikipedia article again. While the name of an ED
implies Emergency care, and they certainly do provide it, less than
20% result in inpatient admission. The vast majority are treat and
release. In the majority of cases, it was less than something needing
emergency response.

An ED is a healthcare source, not be confused with other emergency
providers (Police, and non-rescue fire.

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