On Tuesday, 30 April 2019, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote: > On Wed, 1 May 2019 at 00:46, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> > wrote: > > > > > > On 30. Apr 2019, at 15:03, Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl> wrote: > > > > > > Beware also the quest for the universal solution. Postal addressing, > > administrative segmentation and people's affinities are separate > > dimensions. Any attempt to force them into a single model is doomed to > > failure, so why try? > > > > > > exactly, we do have entities for all of these: addr tags for postal > > addressing, administrative boundaries for administrative structures and > > place for sociocultural places, and I’ve always been a defendant of this > > distinction, but it cannot be denied that a lot of mappers add place tags > > for settlements to administrative entities, thereby extending the > > settlement on the whole administrative territory. > > > > Another personal example of "towns" being very spread out. > > When I was a kid, my Auntie & Uncle ran a sheep station ("ranch") in > Western Queensland. They were ~40 km out of town (Blackall), but their > postal address was Avondale, Blackall & their phone number was Blackall > 104K (does anybody overseas even know about manual party lines? - & for > that matter, does anybody else in Australia remember them? :-)) > I'm in the UK and remember party lines,.sometimes when you picked up the phone we would hear our neighbours talking on the phone and would have to wait. People calling us would get an engaged tone if the neighbours were using the phone.
Phil (trigpoint) -- Sent from my Sailfish device _______________________________________________ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging