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> On 30. Apr 2019, at 15:03, Colin Smale <> wrote:
> Beware also the quest for the universal solution. Postal addressing, 
> administrative segmentation and people's affinities are separate dimensions. 
> Any attempt to force them into a single model is doomed to failure, so why 
> try?

exactly, we do have entities for all of these: addr tags for postal addressing, 
administrative boundaries for administrative structures and place for 
sociocultural places, and I’ve always been a defendant of this distinction, but 
it cannot be denied that a lot of mappers add place tags for settlements to 
administrative entities, thereby extending the settlement on the whole 
administrative territory.

Btw.: Wikipedia integration doesn’t help a lot in this regard, because they are 
typically meshing these up in single articles (also logical for them because it 
is easy to find sources about administrative divisions and harder to find 
sources for settlement geography, especially if you don’t look for them). As 
wikidata is mostly about wikipedia articles, at least initially, and you can 
only add one article to a wikidata entity (AFAIK), things are mostly blurred 
there as well. Maybe (hopefully) time (and effort) will fix this.

Cheers, Martin 
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