it feels a bit wrong to me to use cycleway=crossing on a highway=footway
or highway=path, as described on the wiki page
I might have been doing it wrong all the time but I always use
hw=footway + footway=crossing
hw=cycleway + cycleway=crossing
hw=path + path=crossing
Accessibility should imo be tagged using access-tags
bicycle=yes/designated/etc, or implied using default hw=*-values.
Am 16.04.2019 um 15:47 schrieb marc marc:
Le 16.04.19 à 15:25, Mateusz Konieczny a écrit :
Apr 16, 2019, 2:50 PM by marc_marc_...@hotmail.com:
> highway=path/highway=footway that has bicycle=yes/bicycle=designated.
highway=path + path=crossing + bicycle=yes|designate
or highway=footway + footway=crossing + bicycle=yes|designate
is not enought ?
It is enough, I rephrased it. Hopefully it is now more redable
direct link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:cycleway%3Dcrossing
yes it's more redable, but i still find it strange.
I think this tag only makes sense when one of these
two ways crosses a road :
highway=path|footway + cycleway=*
if there is no cycleway=* before the crossing,
it is normal that the crossing way does not have a cycleway
e.g. a highway=path + cycleway=no + bicycle=yes crossing a road
must not have a cycleway=crossing. no cycleway exist there.
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