
Le 13.03.19 à 10:50, Cascafico Giovanni a écrit :
> - since there is one (1) ML unaswered doubt if "01 Jan - 31 Dec" should 
> be replaced by 24/7: import is anyway bad

I find that they are 2 totally different things: one informs that the 
poi is open all year round, the other all day. for the majority of poi, 
you can't deduct from each other (a gas station can be open all year 
round but only from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm because located for example
in a shopping centre that closes access during the night.)

> - pets and childcare information are "volatile" (payment methods aren't? 
> and yet tag exists): import is anyway bad

from what I see, a common cause of import failure is when the proposer 
refuses to take into account the local community concerned. if the 
latter considers that the information of pets dating from 2 years ago is 
too volatile, the best way to achieve failure is to persist in wanting 
to import them with everything else. the best way to progress is to 
propose a first step without this data (split out data that provoke 
criticism), it is always possible to propose an addition (divide
to avoid "all or nothing").

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