Jan, after a quick look at your proposal I have a couple of minor comments:

1) You're using "operator=*" to identify the particular police force to which a 
feature is related. That's in line with what we do in several other situations, 
but as we are talking about police, wouldn't be "corps=*" more correct?

2) More than "prison" I think "jail" would be more adequate: AFAIK police 
forces do not "own" prisons (long term incarceration) but only jails (short 
term incarceration). It is true that in some countries a dedicated police force 
is in charge of prisons operation, but the "ownership" of the prison is usually 
"the government".

Both of the above are "splitting an hair in two" things, so do not be too much 
concerned about my concerns!

Good job!


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