Agreed. In Nederland, I think most mappers will agree.

It's just that a gazillion roads and streets have been tagged as
unclassified based on an import assumption that unclassified means no known
classification. Seems like a candidate for automated correction but...
another gazillion roads actually are of class unclassified.

Meaning that correction is a herculic task and a huge incentive is needed.
Since there is little impact on rendering and routing, no crowds are lining
up to take this on.

Vr gr Peter Elderson

Op do 28 feb. 2019 om 13:44 schreef Fernando Trebien <>:

> On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 6:15 AM Volker Schmidt <> wrote:
> > On Wed, 27 Feb 2019 at 20:09, Fernando Trebien <
>> wrote:
> >> I think Lone Pine [2] would be interesting to discuss because it
> >> doesn't have any major routes linking larger places passing through
> >> it.  The highways leading to it are currently highway=residential and
> >> should probably be highway=unclassified.
> >>
> >> >  [2]
> >
> > Country roads imported with the old TIGER imports are uniformly tagged
> "residential".
> > And in many cases this is correct in the sense that they are typically
> used to access property along them or in the neighbourhood.
> I'm aware of the difficulties of data imports, so my remark is meant
> only as a reflection of what it should eventually become as mapping
> work progresses.
> > In the specific case, if you consult satellite imagery you will see many
> dwellings along them.
> This isn't a very strong argument since many street/road types (from
> highway=pedestrian all the way up to highway=primary and sometimes
> even highway=trunk in remote areas) often have dwellings directly
> accessible from the road, especially within dense urban areas.
> However, this brings us back to the OP's question on whether
> highway=unclassified is its own hierarchical level between
> highway=residential and highway=tertiary or simply a description of a
> local road mostly not having any residences that should be considered
> at the same hierarchical level as highway=residential. The wiki
> describes them as the lowest level in the "interconnecting grid
> network," from which I understand that it is probably intended to work
> more like the idea of a "quaternary", from which one would expect it
> to fully connect to other unclassified/tertiary/secondary/... roads
> even when passing through urbanized areas with many directly
> accessible residences.
> --
> Fernando Trebien
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