On Monday 04 February 2019, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> But creating such a page or adding such tags to map features overview
> pages is misleading when there is basically no or very few usage.
> These tags should be documented as well, but the right place to do it
> is in the proposal namespace.

Disagree here - when you start using a new tag you should document it 
and you should do so on a normal tag/key page so someone looking for 
how to map the same thing will find it and see how it used so far and a 
data user stumbling across the tag will find it as well and know what 
it means.  Proposals often cannot be easily found this way, there can 
be multiple contradicting proposals for the same tag, they are not 
indexed by taginfo etc.  Proposals are about ideas how something could 
be tagged, not about documenting how something is tagged.

The problem discussed here is different - it is about the creation of a 
complete tagging system on an abstract basis without the descriptions 
and definitions actually deriving from practical use and presenting 
this as if this was an established tagging idea with broad support.  
For this indeed a proposal is a more suitable place.

Christoph Hormann

Tagging mailing list

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