On Sunday 03 February 2019, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> > I noticed today that a wiki page for the rarely used key
> > "motorcycle:scale" had been accidentally created as
> > "Key:motorcycle:scale"
> thank you for this. You are known to put things polite, in all
> honesty, there are good reasons to believe this was not
> “accidentally” but yet another attempt to sneak mostly unused tags
> without further discussion, notice or proposal procedure right into
> the established tags section of the wiki. [...]

Just to avoid misunderstandings - it is in principle completely all 
right to invent tags and document them on tag/key pages without 
creating a proposal.

What is not a good idea is developing complete tagging systems this way 
without broader consultation.

And what is in particular not advisable is creating a one dimensional 
classification systems based on combination of multiple largely 
subjective and non-verifiable criteria.  This is the exact opposite of 
good tagging design.

By the way:  For keys taginfo provides information on the number of 
different users who have last edited features with this key - in this 
case 2:


This number could at least for key pages be used to show a warning that 
a certain key is not well established.

Christoph Hormann

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