On 02/02/2019 14:11, Paul Allen wrote:

My guess is because OSM was started by somebody in the UK; OSM is (supposedly) based upon British English usage; the UK has scouts but not Chiro or KSA.  OSM has scouts because back
in the early days we wanted to map scouts but had no need to map Chiro.

Even in the UK there are scouts and there are scouts - the nearest scout building to me used to be associated with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baden-Powell_Scouts'_Association rather than https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scout_Association . There are lots of other "scout-like organisations" such as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Woodcraft_Folk .

There are no hard and fast values in OSM; just pick something appropriate to best fit in with existing OSM tags where possible and other local mappers.  It's possible to go back and change these if it appears that most people map them as something else (I can think of a few examples where I was mapping things as X but for whatever reason Y became more popular; it's easy to switch to Y).

Best Regards,


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