On 31/01/19 11:33, John Willis via Tagging wrote:

On Jan 31, 2019, at 8:15 AM, marc marc <marc_marc_...@hotmail.com <mailto:marc_marc_...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

Scouts and scout do maybe not have the same meaning in belgium.
I understand club=scout (without a ending S and without an upercase)
as the "generic" term for any scout-like club


Similar to how brand names become the name for things (kleenex, jello, etc), the term “scout” i think is used as a generic for all of these types of outdoor youth organizations.

I think differentiating it via operator=* and the name=* tag would be enough.

"Boy Scouts” sounds like a name, but is it the Boy Scouts of America? is the Mexico scouts (which are boys and girls)? is it the Boy Scouts of Japan?

There are, or were 'cubs' for the younger people, 'rovers' for the older people, guides for the girls ....

The only OSMwiki on scout is for a telenav app ...
So club=scout could mean anything.

it is just a generic for all these types of organizations.

If I saw

name=Chiro Kortrijk

I would assume it is that Kortrijk City’s meeting place for a regional group similar to the Boy or Girl Scouts - not that is *is* the Boy Scouts of Belgium.


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