On Wed, 23 Jan 2019 at 21:03, Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't like landuse=logging as the top-level tag, partly because I
> live in an area where forests are indeed managed for other uses (for
> example, a 'sugar bush' managed to grow maple trees for syrup and
> sugar). There are also a number of forest parcels for which the
> signage makes the fact of management clear, but determining the
> purpose may require more research. It's best to have the mapper be
> able to map *something* even if it's imprecise.

Now we're veering off into a different problem.  Related, perhaps.  Worth
being able to
tag, probably.  The purpose of landuse=logging or equivalent is to be able
to mark an
area which sometimes has trees, sometimes has saplings and sometimes has
To allow somebody to map an area that may show as all trees now but may not
in future
aerial imagery without a later mapper redrawing that boundary because an
area of trees
has been felled.  Or to map an area that may show as trees and clearing now
but it is
known to the mapper that the cleared area has been logged and will be
replanted without
some future mapper saying "That's wrong, there aren't any trees there."

If we ever decide on an appropriate tagging scheme (landuse=logging or
+ forestry=logging or whatever) and it gets rendered in some way that is
distinct from
natural= wood (say an axe icon at the centre) then it will be useful for
consumers.  Instead
of "There should/should not be trees there, we must be lost" it's "Ah, that
land is for logging
so there may or may not be trees there, so we may not be lost."

>From that perspective, maple trees for syrup are a different problem.
Possibly still nice
to be able to map in some way, for completeness, but you wouldn't expect
half the trees
to get chopped down one day.  If we can kill both birds with one stone by
landuse=forestry + forestry=whatever then fine, but I'd like to kill the
logging bird as
soon as possible because it keeps popping up here every couple of months and
crapping everywhere.

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