On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 6:16 PM Graeme Fitzpatrick
<graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Jan 2019 at 09:04, Tod Fitch <t...@fitchdesign.com> wrote:
>> Guess: Someone found it on the trail and figured it would be easier for the 
>> person missing it to find it hanging from the sign than some place along 
>> miles of trail.
> Bit of a problem when you've got to walk back the 65 klm looking for it!

Yeah, but usually when someone finds stuff on the trail and does
something like that, they'll also leave notes in the registers, and I
didn't see any.

The other thing that people sometimes do is odd car shuttles - it's
not unheard of for people with multiple cars available to have
complicated shuttles getting them to trailheads. This key could have
been from an arrangement like: hiker leaves car with shuttler in
Northville.  Shuttler and partner drive in two cars to Lake Placid,
park the hiker's car there. Shuttler and partner ride in the
shuttler's car to Long Lake, leave the key for the hiker to find, and
then return home. Hiker gets his key when he passes Long Lake and his
car is waiting in Lake Placid. (The key is much less useful to a thief
when it's 65 km from the car!) Although for those arrangements,
they'll usually choose a loss obvious cache for the key, or leave it
in trust with a shopkeeper or postmaster for the hiker to claim. I've
even seen parties going in opposite directions arrange to exchange
their keys at the midpoint, and then each picks up the other's car at
the end and drives to a common meeting point. Long-distance hikers are
a creative lot.

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