On 21/12/2018 11:54, Peter Elderson wrote:
I would like to revive the trailhead proposal,
After discussions in the Dutch user community, a list of all Dutch
trailheads was compiled and systematically entered as nodes tagged
highway=trailhead, name=<official trailhead name>,
tourism=information, information=board or map. Many trailheads were
already present in OSM, there we just did some additional tagging.
In the US, trailheads are all maintained on OSM by a national
operator. Japan has lots of trailheads, I don't know how they are
maintained. In Europe, no systematical OSM-tagging appears to take
place, except for the Dutch base.
On 12/21/18 8:29 AM, Andy Townsend wrote:
Can you give a few examples of what trailheads are to you? There's a
clearly defined American concept, it isn't not really used much in
British English. Also what do you mean by "official" below - is there
some kind of VVV list or similar?
I'm following this thread with some interest. I'm puzzled about the
'national operator' that we supposedly have, entering trailheads in the
US. The ones I've mapped surely have had no such operator! It may be
that someone once did an import from a National Park Service data set
(or something similar), but that would account for only a small set of
our trails. We don't have anything like an all-encompassing national
organization doing them.
I've never used anything like the proposed feature, and I don't miss it
all that much. Most trailheads that I encounter have a notice board, a
register book in some areas, perhaps a parking area, and that's about
it. I map the trail intersecting or terminating at the road, map the
parking area, map the register, map whatever other amenities might exist
(such as https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3763273673) and call it a day.
But perhaps there's some other idea of what a trailhead is. To me, it's
the "point of departure" or "point of arrival" when hiking, riding, or
skiing a trail - generally any place where a trail intersects a road and
it's reasonably safe to get on or get off. (I intentionally exclude
https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/41.28251/-74.02879 because
crossing a motorway at grade is NOT a trailhead! It's also barking mad
to do it that way, but this *is* the US.) If it's the trail terminus,
it'll typically be marked with three splashes of paint on a tree, or
three plastic markers, rather than just one. A posh one looks like this
https://www.flickr.com/photos/ke9tv/14279037264 and a more humble one
looks like https://www.flickr.com/photos/ke9tv/14041171575.
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