Designated starting point for multiple routes into a nature area.  There is
a designed marking pole or stele, information boards, seats or benches,
free parking space nearby. This one is in a small village:,6.834158,3a,75y,191.07h,84.64t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sby0P5NTeyqR3fyrgDNqCOA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=nl

Here is another one, with emphasis on Parking. On the left behind the
parking is the actual access point to the trails.,5.0889629,3a,76.4y,32.53h,96.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sy3HdYWJ2zZ1rw1ozqJyrXw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=nl

The operators are governmental bodies. They publish the lists on recreation
websites. Each province has its own list. VVV of course lists/presents them
as well.

These points are designed for trail access.

Op vr 21 dec. 2018 om 14:31 schreef Andy Townsend <>:

> Can you give a few examples of what trailheads are to you?  There's a
> clearly defined American concept, it isn't not really used much in British
> English.  Also what do you mean by "official" below - is there some kind of
> VVV list or similar?
> Best Regards,
> Andy
> On 21/12/2018 11:54, Peter Elderson wrote:
> I would like to revive the trailhead proposal,
> After discussions in the Dutch user community, a list of all Dutch
> trailheads was compiled and systematically entered as nodes tagged
> highway=trailhead, name=<official trailhead name>, tourism=information,
> information=board or map. Many trailheads were already present in OSM,
> there we just did some additional tagging.
> In the US, trailheads are all maintained on OSM by a national operator.
> Japan has lots of trailheads, I don't know how they are maintained. In
> Europe, no systematical OSM-tagging appears to take place, except for the
> Dutch base.
> I think it deserves a push.
> Any thoughts on the matter?
> --
> Vr gr Peter Elderson
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