
I subscribe to every single word of your post... bravo!



On 2018-11-12 22:37, Colin Smale wrote:
> At moments like this I like to invoke one of my heroes: Albert Einstein. One 
> famous saying attributed to him is: As simple as possible, but no simpler.
> If you simplify complex realities too much, you lose valuable detail. If it's 
> complex, it's complex. If you want to leave out a level of detail, such as 
> being able to distinguish between the different types of services provided on 
> behalf of multiple "tenant" countries in a diplomatic mission, then so be it, 
> but let's discuss whether it is desirable to leave that out, and whether the 
> resultant ambiguity is acceptable. Data modelling means constructing an 
> approximation to reality, and is all about what details to keep in and what 
> to leave out. Once it is left out, it cannot be reconstructed from the rest 
> of the data. (If it can, your data model is not properly normalised.)
> If OSM is being limited to being suboptimal because of politics and the 
> inability to reach consensus, I would rather the system was fixed instead of 
> condemning the whole business to eternal mediocrity.

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