On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 at 19:58, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> also burdens OSM with dead data that will not be properly maintained.

This is my experience too, I've seen people add bus routes from their
surveys into OSM but they quickly become out of date and aren't

Some roads can have 100+ bus routes passing through them, and then
when I need to change the road due to on the ground changes, I
suddenly get asked by JOSM do I keep this way in the relation or not,
and honestly I have no idea so the relation get's broken.

In cities that publish their GTFS timetables under free licenses which
are kept current I don't see the point in duplicating this into OSM at
huge effort when I can't see any benefit.

I do agree though there are cases like a small ferry route which
doesn't publish a GTFS but does have a strict schedule, which is much
simpler and could be added to OSM.

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