I was waiting for Martin to weigh in on the amenity vs. office question. To me, a consulate falls squarely within the definition of amenity. It certainly serves "tourists" (including expats/foreigners/etc.). When I am visiting a new country, my country's consulate is one of the most important places for me to know about. And if I'm considering a visit to another country, finding that country's consulate is essential if I need a visa.
I'm not averse to office=diplomatic, but I do think amenity=diplomatic is a better fit. As to the diplomatic=* subkey, I will say that "diplomatic=non_diplomatic" has been documented for some time. I do find it an oxymoron. I *think* the intent was to cover diplomatic missions not covered by either of the two main conventions. So "diplomatic=non_convention" might be a better value, though not very conversational English. "diplomatic=other" is a catch-all, but in that case you might as well just omit the subkey. I do think, however, upon reviewing the examples cited, that "diplomatic=mission" might be better. I don't see any particular reason to remove the other documented values for diplomatic=* from the wiki. I defer to Allan and other experts on this. John On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 4:57 PM Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote: > > > sent from a phone > > On 27. Oct 2018, at 06:50, Allan Mustard <al...@mustard.net> wrote: > > So here is where I sense we are 24 hours later, on Day 6: > a) consulates are not embassies; > b) neither embassies nor consulates are amenities; > c) embassies and consulates are government offices, but there is a trend > toward thinking office=diplomatic is a better choice than > office=government; and > d) the office=diplomatic tag in tandem with diplomatic=* would meet OSM > guidelines and support more accurate mapping. > > If my sense of growing consensus is correct, I suggest that diplomatic=* > would include only [embassy, consulate, non-diplomatic]. > > > > I am not an English native speaker, but from the dictionary reading I did > not get the impression amenity is very far fetched for embassies, certainly > less than for prisons. > > From a data structure perspective, for certain applications (e.g. > osm-carto) a “main” key must be present in order to have the object not > filtered out during database import. As I believe embassies should be in > our “standard set” of data, a main key is desirable. > I would see embassies as a good fit for osm amenity (indeed it is already > there), they are different to other offices because of their particular > status, and “office” is also not in the very core. > > Cheers, Martin > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > Tagging@openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging >
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