BTW, do you have an opinion about the subject of this thread?

Should the tag be default:language=* rather than language:default=*?

It will be some work to edit the proposal to change the order of the tag,
but I'll be happy to do it if a few more people agree.

On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 7:02 PM Martin Koppenhoefer <>

> Am Di., 2. Okt. 2018 um 11:40 Uhr schrieb Joseph Eisenberg <
>> If it’s in Germany, it would be perfectly fine to use name:de=Spazio
>> Italian Bistrot, if most local people will be pronouncing it like a German
>> name. But it might make the most sense to just use name=* or brand=*
>> without attempting to pick a language.
> indeed, pronounciation is key for me, too. A navigation app which names
> this place should ideally pronounce it "correctly" as would a local
> (someone in the language that is set in the app) do. My guess is that most
> Germans would pronounce "spazio" with a German accent but would recognize
> it as an Italian word and German being here similar in pronounciation to
> Italian, would be easily understandable for an Italian. Most Germans  would
> probably try to pronounce "Italian" as English (63% declared to be able to
> speak English) and all but the most educationally challenged would
> pronounce "Bistrot" in French (which is the common pronounciation in German
> as well).
> Cheers,
> Martin
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