Oops, I should have checked the map! I assumed it was in England for some
reason. My internet connection is terrible and I avoid following links.

If it’s in Germany, it would be perfectly fine to use name:de=Spazio
Italian Bistrot, if most local people will be pronouncing it like a German
name. But it might make the most sense to just use name=* or brand=*
without attempting to pick a language.

On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 6:04 PM Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> Am Di., 2. Okt. 2018 um 03:17 Uhr schrieb Joseph Eisenberg <
> joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com>:
>> It's not always necessary or possible to interpret the language of a
>> brand name.
> +1
>> But in this case I think we can say it's clearly an English brand name.
>> "Spazio Italian Bistrot" isn't a real name, but a brand name, like KFC,
>> IKEA, etc.
> with the difference that it is just the name of a single restaurant in
> Germany and not of a worldwide operating multinational company with
> hundreds of shops.
>> I suspect the less-common spelling of "Bistrot" is meant to make the
>> brand more copyright-worthy
> it is the prevailing spelling in French. Being a French word I would say
> it is safe to assume that this part of the name is French.
>> The placement of the adjective "Italian" is clearly English; An Italian
>> or French speaker would have written "Bistro Italiano" or "Bistrot Italien".
> yes, it is an English adjective, something that is not completely uncommon
> for German and Italian business names though (it makes the place look more
> international).
>> So I would add "name:en=Spazio Italian Bistrot" and "brand=Spazio Italian
>> Bistrot" if there is more than one location.
> I believe there is no doubt that "Spazio" is an italian noun, the word
> does not exist in either French, German or English. I would probably not
> add "Spazio Italian Bistrot" as an English name (at least not solely).
> Being in Germany and having a word used in German (Bistrot) as
> self-declaring feature-type I would rather see it as a German name with an
> anglicism in the name, or alternatively as an Italian name (Spazio and
> Bistrot are Italian). For me, this is a name and not a brand (may be
> additionally a brand, but it is clearly the name of the restaurant).
> The spelling "Bistrot" is used much more often in Italy and France than
> "Bistro", it is used sometimes in Germany and England and it is hardly ever
> used in the US and the rest of the UK (according to Google trends).
>> For something like "IKEA" or "KFC", I would use "brand" as well:
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:brand
> yes, clearly.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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