On 2018-09-09 23:35, David Groom wrote:

> ------ Original Message ------ 
> From: "Joseph Eisenberg" <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> 
> To: tagging@openstreetmap.org 
> Sent: 07/09/2018 04:02:26 
> Subject: Re: [Tagging] Coastline for rivers, estuaries and mangroves? 
>> I've now edited the coastline in the area mentioned. I have now added 
>> natural=coastline along all the ways forming the edge of the mangroves and 
>> open water. 
>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/62340975#map=13/-4.9075/137.1762
> I have to say that to me this seems wrong. Coastline tags are now on ways 
> forming channels 40m wide and 30km from open ocean.  I just don't see that 
> these are "coastlines" .

Those distances are not too dissimilar to the situation on the River
Dart, where this whole discussion started. 

So are we getting any closer to consensus on where the coastline should
cross the river? I think only if it is "somewhere between the tidal
limit and the sea". Are all "crossing points" then equally valid? Or can
we expect strong disagreements (especially at the limits) and possible
edit wars?
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